Vulnerability I
October 25, 2018
Photography, Adobe Photoshop
To be vulnerable is to show strength. It is difficult to be vulnerable.
I was going through a lot when I made this. I was struggling with my identity and expression. I was pushing my friends away. I didn’t know how to express how I was feeling. I didn’t feel like anybody would be okay with how I was feeling. I felt like there was nothing I could do, and I was trapped forever.
This is a section of what I wrote at the time I made it: My disgusting skin. This weak shell I am forced to be confined in. I want to escape. There’s no where to go. I want to lay on my mother’s lap while she twirls my hair.
This piece was done by manipulating a self portrait in Adobe Photoshop. It was created this way to highlight the concept of not being able to see yourself clearly. So you hide, in order to not feel fully exposed.